Gina’s Weight Loss Blog

{June 10, 2007}   “Hello, Skinny Mini.”

The receptionist at my Weight Watchers meeting made my day this afternoon. When I walked in she exclaimed, “Hello, Skinny Mini! You are looking fantastic!” Now, I know that I am not yet skinny, but it was still a very nice compliment! Don’t get me wrong, I think it is great when my friends and family comment on my weight loss, but when someone else does it is especially nice.  After all,  my friends and family are a little biased,  so they kinda have to say those things!  However, regardless of where the compliments come from, it is always nice to know that people are noticing all the hard work I’ve been doing. 

Do you ever get frustrated when you see someone you haven’t seen in a while and they don’t acknowledge your weight loss? That really bothers me for some reason.  I realize it could be that they DO notice, but don’t know whether it would be appropriate to say anything. Or, they are just really not that observant!

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