Gina’s Weight Loss Blog

{June 10, 2007}   It’s time to get serious!

I weighed in today and I am only down a half a pound from last week. I am a little frustrated because I achieved better results when I was on vacation and not tracking my points as closely. But, I do know that sometimes the body does weird things.  So, I am not going to worry about it too much.  What I am going to do is set goal for the coming week.  Here goes:

1. Walk a minimum of 10,000 steps a day every day. (We start a walking challenge tomorrow at work, so the competition should be a good motivator).

2. Drink 8 glasses of water per day, minimum.

3. DO get all my fruits and veggies in daily (5-6 servings).

4. Write down EVERYTHING that goes in my mouth!  In other words- “If you bite it, you write it.”

5.  Take my supplements (Fish oil, Vitamins) every day!

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